Over 500 foreign NGO activists issue appeal exposing Armenia’s false propaganda

Baku, September 7, AZERTAC

“A group of foreign NGOs and civil society representatives from 27 countries around the world have launched an international campaign called “World for Peace in the Caucasus”. Despite the fact that the campaign has just been announced, it has received enormous resonance and support, and the number of civil society representatives from different countries of the world has already exceeded 500.

AZERTAC reports that the appeal posted on the international platform “Jotform” mentions that the disinformation spread about the alleged closure of the Lachin road and the biased campaigns conducted in this direction undermine the peace-building process in the South Caucasus, and expresses deep concern about it.

The appeal recommends Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan not to succumb to the provocations of Armenia and the remnants of the so-called regime, their political manipulations, and to open the Aghdam-Khankendi road for peace.

Those who joined the appeal believe that Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan should be able to properly assess the positive messages of the Azerbaijani state and civil society for the sake of peace. It is noted with regret that the aid trucks of the Red Crescent Society cannot continue moving in the direction of Khankendi due to the artificial obstacles. The campaign also condemns those who make false accusations against the Azerbaijani state that allegedly the Armenian residents living in Karabakh are facing a “humanitarian crisis”, and calls them to see the realities.

Representatives of foreign NGOs who want to join this appeal, which exposes Armenia’s false propaganda around the Lachin road and welcomes reintegration, can express their support by signing the statement online through the following link:


The social media accounts of the campaign have also been created:

X: https://x.com/wforcaucasus